Hatchet 3 film review (by Decker Shado)

Hatchet 3 is the horror film of 2013 of the Hatchet series. It follows the story of Victor Crowley's ongoing adventures as well as his escapade through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. The film stars Kane Hodder as Victor Crowley, Brian Quinn as Deputy Winslow, and Rileah Vanderbilt in the role of Misty.

The film's special effects are the film's biggest strengths. Hatchet 3 uses a lot less CG effects than other horror films. This allows some truly terrifying moments to be recorded throughout the film.

Kane Hodder stands out as an intimidating character. The cast provides a solid performance. The dialogue is sufficiently campy and witty to be reminiscent of a classic 1980s slasher film at moments. There are some really humorous moments that provide a comic contrast to the heart-wrenching violence.

Due to the budget being one million dollars, the majority of places were reused from previous movies. The house (click now to read article) on the lake used twice in the movie was a prime instance. Much of this feels like it was recycled from other films within the series. For those who have seen Hatchet or Hatchet 2, this can sometimes make the movie appear familiar.

Overall, Hatchet 3 was a good series. There were many gory moments and several great performances by the cast.

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